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San Francisco DUI Lawyer: Lindsay Lohan's SCRAM bracelet story

 Posted on June 11,2010 in DUI

Have you been charged with a DUI San Francisco, DUI Marin, DUI Sonoma or DUI Napa? My name is Paul Burglin and I am a San Francisco Bay area drunk driving attorney who for over 25 years has specialized in drunk driving defense in San Francisco, Marin, Sonoma, Napa and surrounding communities. I am also the co-author of "California Drunk Driving Law".

SCRAM bracelets - They can be helpful for both defendant and the public

The latest brouhaha over Lindsay Lohan's alleged probation violation is generating favorable publicity for Alcohol Monitoring Systems, Inc., and its state of the art ankle bracelets for alcohol detection. Not only do the devices trigger an immediate report of alcohol use, but they provide sufficiently detailed information to purportedly distinguish mere alcohol "alerts" from actual "drinking events" - the former may be caused by something as innocuous as hairspray containing alcohol, whereas the latter involves actual consumption of an alcoholic beverage.

The helpful thing about these devices for DUI defendants is that defense counsel can more persuasively argue that pre-trial release presents no real risk to the public because alcohol use will be immediately reported to the Court. The public benefits because county jails remain less crowded and defendants pay for their own bracelet.

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