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CDL Medical Revocation and Aging Drivers

 Posted on January 27, 2025 in CDL

Blog ImageMost people will find that it gets harder to keep working as they age. No matter what line of work you are in, the normal effects of aging will make carrying out your job duties harder at a certain point. If you are a CDL driver, you might eventually face a medical revocation if it becomes apparent that your ability to safely operate a semi-truck is suffering. CDL drivers are not alone in experiencing this - drivers who hold ordinary licenses can also experience a loss of driving privileges when they begin to suffer significant age-related impairments. However, CDL drivers are held to a much higher standard than others. If you are facing a mental or physical health CDL revocation hearing, you should be represented by an experienced San Francisco, CA CDL holders’ attorney.

When Can an Aging CDL Holder Face Medical Revocation? 

Many CDL drivers are already nearing or at retirement age when they first take up truck driving. Some recently retired people or couples get their CDLs so that they can travel and see the country while earning extra income. Learning that you may lose your CDL due to age-related impairments can be upsetting. Your CDL may be in jeopardy if you begin to experience: 

  • Periods of confusion - Short-lived periods of confusion or memory lapses are often one of the first signs of conditions like Alzheimer’s. Becoming confused or forgetting where you are and what you are doing, even for a moment while driving a semi-truck, can be very dangerous.
  • Poor eyesight - It is very common for people to begin suffering vision loss as they age. If your vision can be corrected to safe levels by wearing glasses or contact lenses, you should not have to stop driving due to vision changes. However, if you cannot pass the vision test even with glasses or contacts, you may not be able to keep driving. 
  • Loss of fine motor control - Shaking hands and loss of fine motor control can make it unsafe to operate large vehicles. If a driver experiences these common symptoms, he may lose control of his vehicle. 
  • Lapses in consciousness - Older people can become more prone to falling asleep at the wheel during long-haul drives. If this has happened to you even once, you can be called in for a revocation hearing. Conditions like diabetes that can cause a driver to lose consciousness also start becoming more common when a person nears retirement age. 

Older drivers are sometimes treated unfairly due to their age. If you believe that you are able to safely continue driving, you have the right to fight back at your hearing.

Contact a San Francisco, CA CDL Revocation Attorney 

Burglin Law Offices, P.C. is experienced in helping CDL holders facing a medical revocation hearing. Our dedicated Napa, CA CDL revocation lawyers will work to ensure that you are treated fairly as an older adult. Contact us at 415-729-7300 for a complimentary consultation.

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